Bryan Wong's Journey

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Bryan seems to have stabilized at his current level. He has been removed from Oxygen and his O2 saturation is still good at 95% on room air. It had been below 90% when they started the oxygen. It’s a good thing, since the oxygen tube has rubbed against this ear and created a sore.

He had a slight fever at the start of the nursing shift at 7 pm but he was given a Tylenol to bring it down. I consider the fever a continuous good sign, as that is how the body naturally responds to an infection and a sign the Bryan’s body continues to fight the cancer cells.

He still favours his left side which seems unaffected. I find the clarity of his speech is improving each day. Being able to communicate your wants and needs are essential to preventing depression.


At 1/31/07, 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great news! Hoping for more good news every day!


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