Bryan Wong's Journey

Friday, February 09, 2007

A Letter of Thanks

Dear well-wishers,

On behalf of Bryan and the Wong family, I would like to offer my thanks and appreciation for your help during this stressful time. The kindness and consideration we have received has been overwhelming, and we hope that we can one day return this support.

Thank you to all who attended the benefit dinner and dance on January 27th; an amazing $10 000 was raised to aid in Bryan’s medical expenses. I hope you enjoyed the event as much as I did. The remarkable amount of cheer and well-wishes brought much hope and optimism to Bryan’s situation. Thanks to Bryan’s friends and relatives who created videotaped greetings and messages; they truly were appreciated as they brought a big smile to his face. Also, thank you to those who could not come to the dinner but still gave much appreciated donations and support; human kindness never fails to amaze.

Bryan would love to have been there in person, but he was with you all in spirit and would enjoy hearing stories about the night. Once again, thank you to everyone who was a part of the event.


Nicole Wong


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