Two Years
It's Feb. 19 again. This time I'm 20,000 feet in the air on my way to Calgary. Do you know what's worse than watching a comedy on an airplane and laughing like a hyena as people stare at you like you're a lunatic? Watching a heartbreak movie like "Nights of Rodanthe" and feel like you're going to cry your eyes out. Anyway it's been two years now. I've finished another Robotics build season. We have a great entry this year. Were this two years ago, would I turn down this work knowing that Bryan was so fragile? If I were en route to Saskatchewan, would I return for the funeral? I always say that funerals are for the living and those left behind. It's an important part of the mourning process but each have their own ways to remember and still move on. I remember how Don Harvey said he had laid out his suit ready to go to my mother's funeral. I said how he could have called and we would have gladly picked him up. That's not what he meant. He said he spent the afternoon remembering the great times that they had together. That was so much more important to him. And now that he is gone, I find it incumbent to carry on his love of life and his depth of understanding. He was always remarkable in only saying what should be said. What was unsaid was better that way.
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