Taste, Touch, Smell, Hearing, Sight
Tasting: mmmm..hospital food, like cafeteria food, runs bland after awhile, and it is nice to mix things up once in a while. Bryan's appetite has decreased, but he was able to partake in the eating of the odd Kit Kat bar and Popeye's (it has been a while since his last taste, and he definitely enjoyed savoring the moment again!)
Touch: gestures as simple as support in moving, a back to lean on, massage and skin-on-skin contact make worlds of a difference as you all know from your own experiences.
Smell: Refer to Tasting!
Hearing: Visitor's voices and entrances into the room help to lessen the lethargic effects of his many medications.
the Sight of familiar faces: It's definitely a great contributor to Bryan's morale. At least one member of his family / extended family is with him at all times to keep him company and he enjoys catching up on the latest pop culture news.
"A strong mind can force the body to do amazing feats in the face of adversity while a weaker mind would encourage it to shut down in a similar situation. The relationship between mind and body is a purely individual one, and the way we react can change from fight to fight and even situation to situation. But more often than not, a strong mind is able to overcome a weak body while a weak mind can still impose its will over a strong body." - Lee Groves (quoted from a recent boxing match!)
Bryan's humor is still ever-present ('You're ruining the moment', he told his Dad when Mr. Wong wanted to take him away from his Popeye's dinner to readjust his position) and although it has become more challenging to do some tasks, there is no less effort on his part to continue in good spirits. It is tough, but he is not alone, and what can be accomplished in a short visit will amaze you.