Bryan Wong's Journey

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Bryan seems to have stabilized at his current level. He has been removed from Oxygen and his O2 saturation is still good at 95% on room air. It had been below 90% when they started the oxygen. It’s a good thing, since the oxygen tube has rubbed against this ear and created a sore.

He had a slight fever at the start of the nursing shift at 7 pm but he was given a Tylenol to bring it down. I consider the fever a continuous good sign, as that is how the body naturally responds to an infection and a sign the Bryan’s body continues to fight the cancer cells.

He still favours his left side which seems unaffected. I find the clarity of his speech is improving each day. Being able to communicate your wants and needs are essential to preventing depression.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The BWong Day Spirit Continues!

300 to 400 ppl. Beach-side Malibu-memory ultra-relaxing music. Dancing adults getting their groove on past 11 PM. Countless raffle items, individually prepared table decorations and keepsakes, a Speaker's Corner, a 50/50 draw (the gracious winner who donated her prize to Bryan!) was undoubtedly a great night of immeasurable love, spirit, hope...and food! Just mentioning any of these things made Bryan smile (and salivate...that curry goat was pretty good!), regardless of how he felt. People really do make a difference, and the organizers, chefs, speakers, and participants (present or not), should all give themselves a great pat on the back.

Although Bryan remains weak, it is obvious that seeing and knowing all the support that he has is great motivation. The dedication of his family, his relatives, his friends...all of you give him strength. When visitors see Bryan, Bryan's excitement has kept him more alert...he continues to crack up at jokes, pushes himself to work his muscles to keep them in use, continually tracks b-ball and hockey, and despite having to transfer over to IV lines for nourishment, is not giving up. Bryan & The Chocolate Factory + Regular Food is a great idea that his many friends who have visited have decided to put into Hospital Law.

Great Job Everyone!

Monday, January 29, 2007


Thanks to Gerrard Yee Shing and my kids for manning the video booth on Saturday. You've already seen some the the great video we got. I hope to make a finished video of a selection of the some of the best shots and Bryan appreciates each greeting as I play it, although he can only take a few minutes at time until he falls asleep. I'll make a DVD of the raw video including the bloopers for the family, especially since Richard and Ann Marie couldn't be there.

The cloak room worked out fine. The acoustics sound almost like the real Speakers Corner.


When Bryan lost control of his right side, I was afraid he may not recover it. Yesterday, he was moving his right side again and also trying to speak. He was greatly buoyed but the procession of out of town visitors that had come in for the dinner and dance. He had a great laugh at the "Batman" video when I showed him. I'll have to video his reaction when we play it again for him.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Wow - What a Night !

Thanks to the huge crowd of supporters at Bryan's Benefit Dinner and Dance last night. Thanks to Mary Chang and her group of organisers that made the event run smoothly with music provided by Winston, the DJ. Some people commented that the live band made them feel like they were in the "islands". The players were actually from three different bands.

Here's a picture of the Osler gang where Bryan works. I'll probably put more up on the Bryan Tree.

Thanks to those who participated in "Speakers Corner". I have some great footage to show Bryan and I'll put some of it up on You Tube soon.

The first videos are up:
Triple A

Friday, January 26, 2007

Greetings for Bryan

I've opened up the comments section so anyone can post comments and you don't have to open a Blogspot account. Please post your greetings here and I'll print or read them for Bryan.

There is also the Bryan Tree where you can add any pictures:

I'd be glad to receive any video at I'll also take any email greetings as well.

If you want to post here click on the "Comments" under any posted item. It will open a box to type in. Once you finish filling in the anti-spam code shown, hit the [Publish] button. It will then get attached to that item. If it was at "0 Comments" it will go to "1 Comments".

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Roller Coaster Day

Yesterday, Bryan perked up at the prospect of possibly going home once nursing care could be arranged. With no more chemotherapy planned, there was no more reason to stay in the hospital.

Today, he was in a lot of pain. In fact, excruciating even just to swallow or to adjust the bed. They did hook up the pain medication in a continuous pump tonight and allows an additional pain medication boost at the push of a button.

Vitals remain good, e.g. temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen uptake.

The biggest problem are the brain tumours that continue to grow. The last few weeks Bryan has needed more effort to speak at times not being able to remember words.

Ontario launches colorectal cancer screening program

The Star Article

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The 5 Senses

Taste, Touch, Smell, Hearing, Sight

Tasting: food, like cafeteria food, runs bland after awhile, and it is nice to mix things up once in a while. Bryan's appetite has decreased, but he was able to partake in the eating of the odd Kit Kat bar and Popeye's (it has been a while since his last taste, and he definitely enjoyed savoring the moment again!)
Touch: gestures as simple as support in moving, a back to lean on, massage and skin-on-skin contact make worlds of a difference as you all know from your own experiences.
Smell: Refer to Tasting!
Hearing: Visitor's voices and entrances into the room help to lessen the lethargic effects of his many medications.
the Sight of familiar faces: It's definitely a great contributor to Bryan's morale. At least one member of his family / extended family is with him at all times to keep him company and he enjoys catching up on the latest pop culture news.

"A strong mind can force the body to do amazing feats in the face of adversity while a weaker mind would encourage it to shut down in a similar situation. The relationship between mind and body is a purely individual one, and the way we react can change from fight to fight and even situation to situation. But more often than not, a strong mind is able to overcome a weak body while a weak mind can still impose its will over a strong body." - Lee Groves (quoted from a recent boxing match!)

Bryan's humor is still ever-present ('You're ruining the moment', he told his Dad when Mr. Wong wanted to take him away from his Popeye's dinner to readjust his position) and although it has become more challenging to do some tasks, there is no less effort on his part to continue in good spirits. It is tough, but he is not alone, and what can be accomplished in a short visit will amaze you.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


The chemotherapy that Bryan had was for his colon. The intent is the chemotherapy would clear up anything left after the surgery. Needless to say the chemotherapy did not agree with Bryan and seemed to make things worse. Unfortunately, the limited tools that modern medicine uses to fight cancer is essentially slash and burn. As much as possible is removed by surgery and then radiation or chemotherapy is used. On average, this improves more people than it makes worse.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Sorry I got a little behind in updates.

Bryan is on oxygen now. His lungs had been filling with fluid. He had a breathing exercise tube but his oxygen absorption has been dropping. The oxygen setting is at its lowest of 3. Being on oxygen is not bad in itself. As many people live for a long time on it.

He hasn't had much of an appetite but the nurses had him stand up today and he seemed to enjoy that and joked around with them. It did however tire him right out and he slept a lot after that.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


The response to the Dinner and Dance Fund-Raiser has been overwhelming. Tickets are in short supply. Some people have asked how to just donate. Here's the link:

Please print the form and check off "Project for Bryan Wong" before mailing. This charity is primarily to provide student scholarships but the board of directors have agreed to take on this project. Tax receipts are sent at the end of each calendar year (in time to go on the tax returns and not to get lost).

I'd be willing to Broker Paypal donations, if there is any interest.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Positive Chi

It turns out Bryan didn't start the chemo this week. He's been too tired to do it.

With days like these you need to tap into everything positive. I had the privilege of attending a student run assembly for a principal of 7 years. It was an outpouring of positive energy. My chance to absorb some positive "chi"(ch'i or qi). However I felt a pang of guilt to see such a joyous occasion and group hugs while I knew Bryan's family search for some of that positive energy.

I hope to bring some positive energy from the dinner and dance on the 27th. I plan to set up a "video booth" to record messages/greeting at the dinner and dance (like Speaker's Corner). Please think about positive energy you can send. Something encouraging, fun, delightful, whimsical or zany. Prepared text is good. Props better.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

New Old-drug to Ponder

DCA (dichloroacetate), a small, cheap, non-toxic drug commercially available at drug stores, and used in the treatment of other diseases, has been shown in animal and human tissue studies to decrease the size of lung, breast and brain tumours...for more info: CTV

Benefit Dinner & Dance Jan. 27/07

Benefit Dinner & Dance

Jan 27, 2007 in Markham, 6:00 pm - 1 am. Dinner - 7:00 pm.

Cost $30. All proceeds to assist with Bryan's medical treatment.

Dinner & Dance at Milliken Mills. 7600 Kennedy Road, south of 14th Avenue

Menu: BBQ Chicken, Curry Goat, Salad, Peas & Rice, Desserts, Soft Drinks.

Cash Bar, 50/50 Draw, Raffles.

All inclusive dancing, so bring family & friends!

For tickets

Contact: Phillip Yee-Ching
Carmen Mah

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

No News

No real news. Bryan was supposed to go on chemotherapy today. His father who was staying overnight in the with him is feeling under the weather so it's up to Bryan's mother and his aunt(s).

Saturday, January 13, 2007


This blog has been a bit light on photos since Andrew and Alex posted theirs. Since we can't get a current photo, I dug up this.

Bryan around 3 years old with his Auntie Carmen.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Please no visits

Bryan developed a fever yesterday. His chemo is scheduled to start again next week. He would like to rest up. Although visitors lift his spirits, it is also very tiring for him especially when there is a steady stream of people.

So please, no visitors this weekend. Thanks.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


I spent the morning with Bryan. He seemed pretty tired. We got a commode to make it easier to get to the washroom. His spirits seem pretty good although he feet are somewhat swollen. The seizures seemed to have stopped possibly due to the drugs.

Just a reminder to visitors please use the hand wash stations and don't visit if you feel a cold or flu coming on.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Too much chicken

Must remember that more than one person will act on the posts of this blog; although he never thought the day would come, Bryan admitted that he had overdosed on the KFC serving he had yesterday and when his sister Michelle brought in Popeye's today, his dad had to unfortunately eat it all for him!

The time spent in the hospital bed has caused some swelling in Bryan's legs so he has had some special socks put on to help with the circulation in his body. Chemotherapy is currently on hold as doctors are still looking into determining his infection, but his humor is definitely back, and lots of visits from family, relatives and friends have been good for keeping his spirits up!

Monday, January 08, 2007


Bryan was walking around the ward yesterday. He had to push his IV around with him and it really tired him out. Today he looked quite happy in the afternoon watching TV and looking forward to catching up on the Raptors and Leafs.

The second Chemo treatment is scheduled to start tomorrow.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Information for those Abroad

One of the ideas that Bryan's school classmates came up with in the past month to get into the Holiday Spirit was to collect a bunch of pictures (yeah for digital cameras!) and create a Christmas tree with ornaments of random moments in the past couple of years.

As you can see, the trees were a little too small, but the pictures were many and it was great to see the number of people that helped out! There has also been a lot of help from people who have contributed in their own ways, such as through medical and alternative medicines research, and seemingly small gestures like calls, Xmas decorations, cards, movies, visits and (bryan's favorite ->) foods for him to munch on while he rests. Bryan has definitely let us know that he appreciates your thoughtfulness and even with all the current trans-fat news articles, still salivates at the thought of a nice crispy piece of Popeye's Chicken =).

If you're interested in seeing the full pictures, they can be found @ the following link: Bryan's Pix

Getting ready for Chemo

Bryan had a rough day yesterday... up early at 7:00 for the Galian test (dye injection..and scan. he had to be taken down to another floor for the scan) No food since last water except for meds.
He was taken down to surgery at 3:00 pm to have the chemo port inserted (tube inserted into the chest so Bryan can have the scheduled chemo treatment next week.). They gave him a relaxant and a local anasthetic .... took about 30 minutes then to recovery before going back to the room about 5:00 pm ... lots of pain... and anxiety

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years Day

It's always a fine balance between providing too much detail or not enough information with a blog. One thing I've noticed from others who have done these is that there will be days of reporting good news and some with bad news. Today was not so good. Bryan's seizures have been getting more frequent. Two in the each of the last two nights. He had a new CAT scan today. It appears that the tumor in his head is larger. The oncologist will be talking with the family tomorrow about it.

New Years Eve

Alex and Andrew visit with Bryan. They are dedicated friends of Bryan who visit regularly and lift Bryan's spirits, including a photo collage in Bryan's bedroom.

Since Christmas

A lot has happened since Christmas:

Bryan started chemotherapy on Wed. It was a rainy icy day and it took longer than expected.

By Thurs. afternoon the home care nurse noticed he had a fever and sent him by ambulance to the hospital.

The chemo pump continued to run until Friday morning when they stopped and also removed the PICC line that was used to deliver the chemotherapy.

By Friday evening he was looking really worn out and the fever remained high.

Saturday the fever was down a bit and he just seemed very tired.

Sunday (New Years Eve), Bryan looked better and more alert but he still couldn't sit up until the nurse encouraged him to help reduce fluid build-up in his right lung. Temperature was still running around 38.5 (still high) and Oxygen uptake is running 94% (should be 100%).